Displaying 123 ROM addresses (approximately 37.92% complete).
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Address format: SNES | PC
Address Length Type Description
$008001 5 bytes Misc. this is a random test
$00810E 15 bytes Misc. (JSR) OW Music uploader.
$008159 17 bytes Misc. (JSR) Credit music uploader.
$0086FA 36 bytes Misc. Pointer subroutine: Jump to a 3-byte pointer, the position of the pointer used is "Position after the JSL + 1 + (A*3)". The subroutine should always be accessed by a JSL.
$008C59 40 bytes Misc. Tile array for numbers in bonus star counter.
$008D8B 1 bytes Misc. Timer speed (USE WITH 102E)
$008D90 28 bytes Misc. These four tables indicate the DMA settings and the source address to use for the status bar tiles (the ones that are uploaded at the very beginning of the level). The tables get stored in the order of $43x0-$43x6.
$0090D1 104 bytes Misc. Tile numbers for 'MARIO START'.
$009139 104 bytes Misc. YXPPCCCT properties for 'MARIO START'.
Change $00913F (0x0133F) from 30 to 34 and $009170 (0x01370) from F0 to F4 to fix the S in "Mario/Luigi Start".
$0091AC 1 bytes Misc. Number of coins needed to get an 1up from the green star block.
$00938D 4 bytes Misc. "Nintendo Presents" logo tilemap
$0093B0 1 bytes Misc. YXPPCCCT properties for "Nintendo Presents".
$0093C1 1 bytes Misc. "Nintendo Presents" logo sound effect
$0094B3 1 bytes Misc. Boss castle destruction sequence music #1
$00950B 1 bytes Misc. DEBUG: Boss defeated scene select (30 = enable)
$009BC9 74 bytes Misc. Save Game function. (Load Game starts around 1EEF. Last byte used in SRAM seems to be 70:0358.)
The save routine is documented in depth here.
$009E25 1 bytes Misc. Amount of lives to start with.
$009F2A 1 bytes Misc. Speed of Fade-ins and Fade-outs.