NPC Configuration Tool

These sprites are customizable through extra bytes alone. This means you only need one entry in PIXI's list.txt, and you can set all the options for each sprite as you place it in your level.

There are a lot of options, so it's hard to tell at a glance which options correspond to which extra byte values, and quite a hassle to set them manually. So here's a little tool for you!

Insert the NPC sprite with PIXI as usual, then use this tool to enter the options you want for your NPC sprite, and you'll see what values to use when placing the sprite in Lunar Magic.

How to place the sprite in Lunar Magic



The NPC is sprite number:
Jump height:
Time between jumps:
Tiles to use for custom jumping frame:
Initial direction:

(overrides "stay on ledges" and "walk a fixed distance" settings)

(only works when "follow the player" is set)

(doesn't work when "stay on ledges" is set)
Jump height when against a wall:
Walking speed:
Walk distance:
Time to stop before turning around:
Walk animation speed:
Tiles to use for custom walking frame:
Message behavior:

Message behavior:
Message number:

Make sure the message you want to show has an entry in message_list.asm.
If it doesn't, make one (level and screen number don't matter in that case, so you can just set them to $0000 and $00 or whatever).

What you enter here is the number of the entry in the table in message_list.asm, plus 6.
For example, if you want to show the message named "Message05" and a line containing Message05 is the third line in the table, the number is 3 + 6 = 9.
Refer to the Message Box Expansion patch's HOW_TO_USE.txt for more info.

(only works if you have the VWF dialogues patch applied)
VWF message number (in hex):
Level to use messages from: (0-24, 101-13B)
Give powerup after talking:
Tiles to use for custom talking frame:
Button to press for talking: